
King Khan & The Shrines @The Magic Stick

King Khan & The Shrines
w/ Hell Shovel
Friday, October 25th, at the Magic Stick

Though often called the "wildest show on earth" and known for their spectacle of a stage show, King Khan & The Shrines aren't afraid to mix their velvety pop and soul-infused, psyched-out numbers with meaning and seriousness evident through album title, Idle No More, named after an indigenous-rights movement, and plenty of songs about the state of the world we live in today. Consider album track, "Darkness," which, as King Khan says, is about the "ugly beasts that must be tamed inside of us all" and also his "attempt to do something as real as Nina Simone." Visually presented through the excellent new stop-motion video, written, directed and produced by Benjael Halfmaderoz/Hylas Film, the "Darkness" video is the perfect accompaniment to the melancholy message set forth in this song. So, take a minute, soak in the "Darkness," read about the video via T: The New York Times Style Magazine's worldwide premiere,and then kick things back up with the rip roaring horn lines, southern fried guitar riffs and lyrseric melodies of Idle No More's previously shared "Born to Die."