
3 Days Until Laneway – Derrick Stage

The days are ticking away and while it may seem hotter than blazes today, Saturday looks like a perfect Fall day with mid-60 temps and sunny. I got a sneak peak today at the Laneway Festival layout at Meadow Brook and it looks like there’s nice distances between stages and plenty of attractions in between. There’s a beer garden, a food village and vendors, even a chill zone, which would have come in handy today.

Today’s stage preview is the Derrick stage:

1:25 – 2:10 Youth Lagoon – Trevor Powers from Boise, Idaho plays what some may prefer to as the epitome of hipster, indie music being all folk, electronic and earnest. But, I’ll tell you it’s good stuff no matter how you want to define it.

3:05 – 3:50 Warpaint – I’m shocked Warpaint is playing so early as they established themselves as a breakout band a couple years ago with their debut album The Fool. A band of 5 terrific musicians working on their sophomore album with legendary producer Flood.

4:45 – 5:30 Savages – A band that is getting a lot of buzz right now on alt. rock radio and the indie media scene. And all-girl punk band from London, they have a ferocious energy I can’t wait to see.

6:30 – 7:20 The Dismemberment Plan – Okay, I’ll come clean this is one of the bands I’m most excited to see as their album Emergency and I still ranks as one of my favorite albums – ever. They reunited in 2011 after an eight year hiatus and I’ve haven’t had the chance to see them yet. So, yes I’m mighty stoked for this.

9:40 – 10:55 The National – The band that has the ability to capture hearts with any of their perfectly structured, touching songs are official co-headliners of the festival. Their latest release Trouble Will Find Me shows how they can play faster, nearly dance-friendly tracks along with their revered indie rock.

Tomorrow’s post will be on our own very special Movement Stage.