
NEXT WEEK: "Under the (Inspired) Influence" Group Exhibition at Northville Art House October 4th 2013

Under the (Inspired) Influence

Friday, October 4 through Saturday, October 26, 2013

Opening Reception, First Friday, October 4 from 6-9 p.m.


Inspired:  (adjective) -- aroused, animated, or imbued with the spirit to do something, as if by supernatural or divine influence.


What inspires an artist?  Personal mythologies, guardians and guides, spirits and ancestors, fairy tales, folklore, music, dreams? The Northville Art House is pleased to present a group exhibition which offers a glimpse of what inspires eight individual artists and moves them to create.


Featuring the work of:  Anita Andersons, Renee M. Dooley, Mary Fortuna, Diane Hawkey, Leann Meixner, Juana Moore, Kate Paul, Mike Sivak


The show will open in the upper gallery with an artist reception Friday, October 3, from

6-9 p.m. with artists' talks beginning at 8 p.m.  The show will continue through Saturday, October 26 during regular Art House Gallery hours (Wednesday-Saturday, 1-5 p.m.).


For additional information, call 248-344-0497 or visit www.northvillearts.org.


The Art House is located at 215 W. Cady Street and is a facility of the Northville Arts Commission.  Admission to Art House shows is always free and open to the public.





Under the (Inspired) Influence

Opening Reception: Friday, October 4, 6-9 p.m.

Dates of Exhibit:  Friday, October 4 through Saturday, October 26.

Gallery Hours: Wednesday-Saturday, 1-5 p.m. (First Fridays only, 1-9 p.m.)

Location:  Northville Art House, 215 W. Cady Street, Northville, MI  48167

Admission:  Free

More Information:  (248) 344-0497


Images:        "The Guardian" by Diane Hawkey

                   "Pulling a Great Weight" by Kate Paul

                   "Parcae" by Mike Sivak