


Hailing from Shreveport, Louisiana, Super Water Sympathy are following up their 2011 self-release Vesper Belle with Hydrogen Child, the next chapter in the development of the band’s self-made genre Water Pop. The band returns to Detroit after a successful run on Warped Tour 2013 at New Dodge Lounge with Static Dial and Science Fair on Sunday night.

Formed in 2010, the group consisting of brothers Billy and Clyde Hargrove (bass and guitar, respectively), Ryan Robinson (drums), Jason Mills (keys), and Ansley Hughes (vocals) clicked from the start, sharing a similar vision for the band’s sound. By fostering and combining their individual strengths with each member contributing and writing songs on the new album, the band has truly come into their own with Hydrogen Child.

"There is a definite cohesiveness insofar as the arrangement and lyricism," says guitarist Clyde Hargrove. "We honed in on a few songs from Vesper Belle that we thought were most representative of the musical direction we are going, and used those as a benchmark for the tone of the album. Vesper Belle is much more eclectic in style and Hydrogen Child is more of a concept album."

The concept being transformation whether through love, death, or rebirth.

"There is an inherent and intended playfulness brought about by Ansley's vocal production and lyrical arrangement that creates purposeful and sometimes ironic dissonance against this landscape," Hargrove comments.

"We try to make the lyrics paint a picture, but at the same time to conflict and contrast the mood and landscape of the music, thus giving balance and harmony in the two textures," comments Clyde. "Our band's sound is built around the ambience of Jason's pads against Ansley's voice. We like to make things blend very deeply and high at the same time. I would say our sound is ambient-pop-rock."

With comparisons bound to conjure up images of Coldplay, The Fray, and Florence + the Machine,
the band finds its sound with Hughes' viciously elegant voice

Pick up Hydrogen Child on iTunes - http://tinyurl.com/ldcscvr

Doors at 6pm...Super Water Sympathy playing at 8pm. Early enough to check out a Sunday show and be well-rested for Monday work. So come on down...!

$8 door. 18+