
Wild Bill Ketelhut provides the "blog" to this anti-blog

Wild At Heart

It has been a long day staring at a computer screen all day. We are going through some major changes at work with a whole new computer set up and I spent all day inputing data that got held up on a mail server for 2 days, thus making a job hopefully ending today as being basically started today and just over half done. With all this technology, I am still always amazed when something doesn't go as planned and instead of making my life easier, it becomes more difficult (or at least annoying). I sometimes pine for the days before computers because it seemed like more got done back then. Because of all that screen time today, I'm going to keep this week's blog kind of short because my eyes are starting to hurt.

I will put out a good shout out to Lions fans first after watching the game this week. I hope we can keep Bush healthy and make a serious run at the playoffs.

If sports are not your thing, here are some musical delights to take in this week.

Tuesday (10/01) - Nick Lowe @ the Ark

Wednesday (10/02) - Rebirth Brass Band @ the Ark

Thursday (10/03) - Meat Puppets w/Girl In A Coma @ Pike Room

Friday (10/04) - Switchfoot @ Royal Oak Music Theatre, A Day To Remember w/All Time Low and Pierce The Veil @ Freedom Hill

Saturday (10/05) - Trivium @ Harpos

Monday (10/07) - Nine Inch Nails @ Palace of Auburn Hills