
SHOW REVIEW: Judith Hill live at Palace of Auburn Hills by AmyW

After attending Josh Groban's concert Wednesday night,
its obvious why he chose Judith Hill as his opener. 
While she may have been a relatively unknown name to many at the beginning of the show, it didn't take long for her to make her name a memorable one for everyone that was fortunate enough to be there and experience her outstanding performance. This young woman's vocal talents were clearly and quickly made known to all in the packed the Palace of Auburn Hills last Wednesday night. Reminiscent of a young Diana Ross, Hill held a captive audience as she beautifully demonstrated all octaves while singing anything from soft, passionate ballads to powerful and energetic soul.  Her acapella  piece had the stayed crowd waiting for the crescendo and inducing goose bumps for many. She has an understated, yet confident presence- analogous to her dress that was elegant and simple, yet, a bold electric blue.
Judith Hill is refreshing and natural.
Unlike other musical artists her age, Hill's performance  wasn't filled with antics and choreographed moves- it was purely and simply about her extraordinary vocal talent. She didn't seem to need or demand the spotlight as she gracefully moved about the stage amidst the other musicians. She accompanied Josh Groban for two of his songs and she was easily a welcome addition and held her own.
This audience clearly enjoyed, appreciated and respected her skills. Judith Hill has the style and diversity to capture audiences of all ages. 
It's easy to see how she is a rising star and certainly a name we will be hearing more of in the future. 
Get more info here on Judith Hill