
SHOW REVIEW: Paul Van Dyk at Elektricity Nightclub on November 8, 2013

Prolific trance and EDM DJ, Paul Van Dyk, made his Detroit area comeback at Pontiac’s Elektricity Nightclub on this past Friday, November 8. The German born DJ made his mark on the trance music scene starting in the 1990’s and continued his success into the 2000's where he currently stands as one of the reigning heavyweights of electronic dance music. Friday nights set at Elektricity was well attended, there was a seemingly older and more mature crowd than the club usually draws, further evidence of his legendary imprint in the EDM community. It’s not often that you’ll go to a nightclub like Elektricity and not hear any vocals during the first 30 minutes of a DJ set. Furthermore, it's quite refreshing to go to a large scale club and hear a well known DJ not play the generic mainstream tracks, remixes, or mashups of the moment, that other talent performing in that venue would play. 

Van Dyke's set on Friday night thrived in Elektricity with the use of their LED light-walls, nonstop confetti, and a whole lot of shooting smoke. Van Dyke is currently on the road promoting his forthcoming release "Politics of Dancing 3Politics of Dancing", set to be released in 2014. The former #1 DJ in the world played an EDM heavy set, leaving much of the trance music that defined his early career to the wayside. The bass and synth heavy set was perfect for a large, but still intimate club, like Elektricity. Elektricity is the ideal venue for a performer of Van Dyke's stature, he utitilized their state of the art light show and sound system. Needless to say, Friday nights Paul Van Dyk set at Elektricity is definitely an EDM highlight of 2013.