
This Saturday - Pirates and Trolls!

This Saturday, November 23, Scottish pirate metallers Alestorm, Norwegian folk metallers Trollfest, and SoCal hard rockers Gypsyhawk will make a visit to Westland's Token Lounge for a night of mead, wenches, and carousal! 

Alestorm puts the fun in metal, and does so by emulating everybody's favorite fictional ne'er-do-wells: pirates! The band combines original tunes about drinking, pillaging, and cavorting with covers like The Village People's "In The Navy" and, in so doing, make it clear that they are there to put the ARRR in pARRRty. 

Trollfest, from the woods of Norway (well, Oslo, Norway), are fresh off their first tour of North America on this spring's Paganfest USA Tour and already back for more. Their lyrics are written in a fictional language, Trollspråk, which is a combination of Norwegian and German. While we don't really know what they are singing about, a gander at the official video for their song, TrinkenTroll, gives us an idea of Trollfest's lyrical influences (hint: it's five minutes straight of people drinking in a bar). What better way to sing about drinking than to do it with blast beats and accordions!

Doors open at 8:00 and tickets are $20 at the door. ARRR!