
THIS THURSDAY: Timey Wimey Nerds @ Tangent

Thursday December 12
Tangent Gallery
DO6, talks start at 7

Join Nerd Nite Detroit for an evening of space, time, and a bit of Dr. Who!

We encourage our Whovian nerds to dress their Dr. Who best and we’ll have a portable planetarium on site courtesy of the Michigan Science Center.

Here’s a sneak peek:

Charles Gibson and the Michigan Science Center’s Portable Star Lab
What could be more interesting than looking at the majesty of the cosmos? Looking at it within a miniature planetarium set up especially for Nerd Nite, courtesy of the Michigan Science Center.  10-15 minute presentation will be going throughout the night.  

Mysteries of the Cosmos
Cosmology is the study of the origin and fate of the universe.  I will describe our current understanding about our universe and uncover one of science’s biggest mysteries.  All this is simply illustrated on a table top. David Cinabro is a Professor in Physics and Astronomy at Wayne State University.  He studies cosmology with exploding stars and the rare behavior of sub-atomic particles.