
new music alert ::::LE VOYAGE::::

An amazing thing about music is whether you’re a casual listener, a musical journalist, or scenester waiting for something to be moved by - you never know what’s coming next.

Le Voyage- French for the travel- With only a few shows played and a few upcoming, Joel Sanders speaks of the bands advent to the local stage. He has achieved an orchestral quality via laptop which the band must translate, sound engineers must register and show goers heed. It is a complex layering of sounds that come and go, in and out, up and down. Sounds that vibrate their way into your awareness from nothing, while your frequency is set by something else grabbing your attention. Like a sudden transposition of culture, taking in a new destination, new smells, new tastes, new winds. Gentle falsetto vocals, opening to a stand-tall shout it out loud sing along. Acoustic strumming and clean toned guitars agitated to conjure vibrating static arpeggiated pulses of subsonic bass tones. A dynamic executed perfectly by the band live.

Joel, who sings and plays guitar live, has created some of the most fascinating new music I’ve heard locally. Listening again and again evokes an aural slideshow: fittingly, as Joel relates that in his youth his grandmother would play him classical records and ask not what he heard, but rather what he saw. A jaunt to the west side of the state for art college was interrupted by the need to compile and arrange songs. Now back in familiar lands, he has the band and a crew of childhood cronies like George Morris, Ronny Tibbs and Jesse Shepherd Bates- who have tracked their own music adventures. He looks forward to every show planned and has truly embarked upon his way in what he’s christened: Le Voyage.

Join Le Voyage in their travels of venues and recordings. Departure starts now with a bandcamp download, a stopover to celebrate a record release for Traits, and a March date at the Loving Touch.