
Review of The Submission at The Ringwald Theatre in Ferndale

"Snazzy is as Snazzy Does!"
Gwen Joy is an artist who specializes in colorful folk art paintings. 
Life experience is her subject matter which is translated in a lyrical/mythical fashion.
                                                               Follow Gwen's snazzy street reviews weekly here on Motorcityblog                        
                                                                                  Reach her directly at www.GwenJoy.com

A new play by Jeff Talbott is at the Ringwald Theatre. The Ringwald Theatre excels at producing comedic plays and this effort is top notch. The lead character Danny who is a white homosexual playwright has written a play about a struggling African-American family. His play is selected to be part of a prestigious play festival. Danny, a young white middleclass gay playwright submitted the work under a fake name that sounds feminine and African-American. Emilie, a black actress, is hired to pretend to be him. Richard Payton plays Danny and is superb. His crying scene is highly skilled. There are plenty of funny lines and scenes in this memorable and highly realistic play. The pop cultural references are funny and weave a long cultural net.  Imagine a play mentioning Eliza Doolittle, Blonys, and pulling a freaky friday. Check it out thru February 3rd. The showtimes are Sundays at 3 p.m and Mondays, Fridays, and Saturdays at 8 p.m. Call (248) 545-5545 or visit