
TONIGHT! 1-9-14 Practice w/Carla Samson Yellow Barn Ann Arbor, MI


Thursday 9th


Tonight = Relief

Tonight Carla Samson facilitates another DMT practice at the Yellow Barn in Ann Arbor, MI. Shake off the winter freeze with some heated throw down!!! Make a regular practice of this and watch your flow transform into super phat love dopeness!! Every other thursday at the Yellow Barn!




JANUARY 18TH DJOY SOULE & DJ BAKSHEESH throw down the beats for Pop Up Yoga's 1 year anniversary! BE THERE!


"Warning: continual practice of DMT may result in spontaneous meditation, deep feeling, profound creativity, greater enjoyment of life, better physical health, spontaneous poetry, painting and music, sudden fits of empathy, crying, laughing & singing as well as a developing ever deeper insight into the non-conceptual realities of our shared existence. 

DMT & Imagine Do will not be accountable for any merit generated and all benefits gained shall go directly to the countless beings in need. May this message, these words and our dancing together become the causes of our complete freedom from suffering so that we may be able to share that relief to countless beings for all of eternity. ' -This message was paid for and approved by DJ Baksheesh