
Show Review: Warpaint at The Magic Stick, March 26, 2014

Years from now we’ll still be talking to our friends who were there about it. Decades from now we’ll be telling our grandchildren about it. And after the next apocalypse we’ll find inner city scrawlings about the time Warpaint played a kickass show at the Magic Stick. 

Word of mouth travelled far and wide for the show as the club was packed in as early as 9pm. Which is a good thing because the opener, Cate LeBon, started her set a little before 9pm as I was walking in and trying figure out a way to get to a spot I could take pictures from. Cate’s set had a bit of a retro jangle pop feel to it that featured a drummer that was just killing it by the end of the set. Warpaint took the stage at 10:30pm and were quite a site behold with brilliant lighting pouring over the four dazzling female members. Their songs were lush with mid tempo rhythms and shared vocals. Most of the songs came from their latest and so far under appreciated latest album with the eponymous title.  The songs blended into one another and you could catch a bit more energy and groove in their live versions. They could feel the appreciation and excitement emanating from the audience which reflected back from them with gracious thank you's and smiles all around.  

This post by Mikel OD of MPAD Media