
Wild Bill Ketelhut provides the "blog" to this anti-blog

Wild At Heart

It has been an exciting week for me. I spent the last 4 days watching nothing but basketball. I started off with my billion dollar bracket predicted upsets by Pittsburgh, Harvard and Dayton and was feeling pretty good going 8 for 8 before my bracket started falling apart when St Joseph and NC State lost their leads and went to overtime only to lose along with that last 2nd shot that gave Texas the win. At least I can look at my losses went to overtimes and last second shots instead of blow outs like the last three games on Sunday. I also enjoyed, and briefly was envious, of that guy with the perfect first round. He was doing pretty good until Dayton beat Syracuse followed by that Oregon loss. So after going 36 for 36, he ended up going 0-2.

That is the way it works and it is that unpredictability that makes me love this game. I haven't seen this many game now I have Dish since college so I have watched a lot of games and I still am picking only 2 of 3 games correctly. Kudos to Tennessee, Dayton and Stanford for making it to the Sweet 16 though my favorite three teams are out with my favs Duke and Syracuse getting upset and Villanova losing to U Conn. Lucking, I can gloat my least favorite teams Ohio St, North Carolina and Kansas are also out (those last two games were very exciting). Looks like I will be rooting for a Michigan St/Baylor final though Michigan has been fun to watch and I know a lot of people in Detroit are rooting for that final.

If you are not a basketball fan, there are a few good shows coming though it is a slow week for my picks:

Wednesday (3/26) - Buckcherry @ Diesel Concert Lounge (Chesterfield)

Saturday (3/29) - Brian Vander Ark @ the Ark, Bryan Lee @ Callahans

Sunday (3/30) - Wynton Marsalis @ Hill Aditorium