
FREE: Giant Outdoor Dance Party!


"Dance Your Classes Off!"


Ann Arbor, MI. A free dance event is open to the public featuring a DJ set by Scout, live dancing by K-Motion, and laser art by Mike Gould from Illuminatus. This outdoor, end of semester, "Dance Your Classes Off" party is the culmination of U-Monument 2014 – an event dedicated to the study and celebration of the facade of Angell Hall, one of architect Albert Kahn's most well-known U-M buildings.

On April 22 from 9pm-10:30pm, the lasers will be fired up, the music will be pumping, and the dance action in front of Angell Hall will sizzle and light up the night!

What: Giant outdoor Dance Party

Where: Front lawn of Angell Hall (435 S. State Street, Ann Arbor)

When: Tuesday, April 22nd, 9:00pm-10:30pm.

Who: Context For Classics is throwing this party which is open to the public.

Why? For Fun!

Cost: Free!