
FUTURE: No More Heroes - The Artwork of Luke MacGilvray - Scarab Club Detroit - Thursday, May 15th - 6:00pm - 10:00 pm

The Scarab Club's Emerging Artist Series presents:

No More Heroes - The Artwork of Luke MacGilvray
Thursday, May 15th - 6:00pm - 10:00 pm

"No More Heroes" is a multimedia exhibition of artwork created by Luke MacGilvray. His extensive portfolio is inspired by living abroad; juxtaposing the ancient Japanese paper cut art (kiri­-e) with a retro style rooted in comic fandom. All this pinned on a painterly expanse with a wink and a nod to old school punk rock. His work will give you flashbacks of late nights listening to angry music shrieking from your speakers while submerged in a pile of graphic novels. (Black nail polish and Bazooka Joe gum not included.)

All ages welcome. FREE ADMISSION.

This one night show runs in conjunction each third Thursday with the Dr. Sketchy Art
Class on the first floor of the Scarab Club, and the lower level art nude Sketch Sessions.

Scarab Club
217 Farnsworth St, Detroit, MI 48202 (313) 831-1250

Facebook page for the event:
No More Heroes - Luke MacGilvray


About the Emerging Artist Program: The Emerging Artist program started in January of 2012. Curated by veteran artists and Scarab members, VATO and Adam Owen Layne, the program was created to spotlight metro Detroit artists of all mediums who are up-and-coming or considered the Who's Who of their inner subculture, but may lack the necessary exposure they need to get in front of the mainstream public.

 The Scarab Club is using this program to help the community see and appreciate art that they may not have the opportunity to see or know about. Budding artists need exposure, need to be cultivated and supported, and this program hopes to do so. It also helps entice new membership to the Scarab Club, since the century-old non-profit has opened doors for many artisans over the years, and being a part of their regular showcases can be win-win since it also adds new blood to the mix, and a fresh perspective on today's art.

Although Scarab Club has had decades of events and exhibitions that cater to all ages, this Emerging Artist Series is the first of it's kind. The spotlighted artists are hand picked and given the freedom to display and represent their work in their own solo show, with NO COMMISSION taken by the Scarab. There are so many stories to be told in metro Detroit, and this showcase allows the artist sole freedom to show their vision and perspective of life, without a jury deciding what the public wants to see. It's fresh and it's raw. This 2014 Series will be hosted and curated by VATO and Adam Owen Layne.