
Brody Dalle at The Troubadour in West Hollywood

My high school girl-crush was revived when the Queen B who's fronted The Distillers and Spinnerette took the stage and blew our faces off last Friday night at the Troubadour in West Hollywood. It was over a decade in waiting to hear some live Distillers. Having never seen Spinnerette before, I at least I had to wait over 10 years to hear Brody Dalle scream "SING SING DEATH HOUSE" into the mic again. Not that she ever left, but I'm really glad she's back and she's better than ever. 

Aside from being one of the sexiest front women in punk rock, she can also throw down some decent mayhem. She's living proof that you can be a hot married mom and still know how to rock the fuck out in the classiest of manners. I don't play music, but I do somewhat idolize her for being a true badass. When I arrived at The Troubadour, it was seemingly not very crowded at first and I immediately thought that was strange as I pictured the venue a madhouse as Los Angelenos eagerly await for their long-awaited Brody Dalle to take the stage at such an intimate and liberal venue. I grabbed a beer and then made my way into the room with the stage and that's when I realized, duh, everyone is in here, trying to get their best possible spot while the opening band, The Singles, were in the beginning of their set. I knew I had to quickly grab a spot nearest the stage as there are no photo pits at The Troubadour (the one thing that sucks about shooting here) and stay there because the room was filling up quick. Before I knew it, it was elbow to elbow and girls in the front row were asking me to stash their purses behind the monitors so they don't lose them in the pit. Brody Dalle walks out with her backing band, never short of her long-time friend and music collaborator, Tony Bevilacqua, whom you may remember from Spinnerette and The Distillers. There's a collective roar in the air and everyone is positively stoked to see Ms. Dalle on stage again with those sultry tones and hair flips. Her set began with "Rat Race" off her new solo album "Diploid Love" and then dived right into some Distillers and closed with a Spinnerette song, which Alain Johannes walked out on stage for and played while she set down her guitar and did vocals only. It was getting a taste of two different Brody's. The set only felt like it was 30min. short, and there was no encore, but I left feeling satisfied. 

More photos here.
