

On Friday and Saturday, August 1st and 2nd, 2014SATORI CIRCUS will perform a new original performance art piece titled, ..”…poems we tell ourselves…”.. in front of two audiences, in two different spaces at the Tangent Gallery /Hastings Street Ballroom.

”…poems we tell ourselves…”.. is an entirely new performance piece, with all original words, music and visuals. Different from other SATORI CIRCUS’ performances, this performance delves into the dream world of a single person whose life is black and white, much like their dreams.

In our dreams we can escape; we can maneuver freely; we can become something else; we can live out our fantasies; we can become the super hero…or the anti-hero; we can defy all time and logic.

This is where up is down and down is up and the question will be…”is this real or a dream?”
A collaboration with friends Brian Dambacher (Funy As Hell, 63mins), Tim Suliman (MOSES:39, Child-Proof) and Sean Redenz (63mins, DAMNED), along with Antonio Cosenza, they have created a time morphing performance, where situations occur on two separate stages and the audience is fed a live video of one stage while the performance is on another. Then it switches back and forth from one stage to the other.

Be prepared for the unknown and come with an open heart and head to witness a hybrid of performance art rarely seen in this Detroit Metro Area. We guarantee that you have never seen anything like this and you may never again. Sometimes, journeys end where they begin and begin where they end.

August 1st and 2nd at the Tangent Gallery / Hastings Street Ballroom, 715 E Milwaukee St, Detroit, MI 48202 (313-873-2955www.tangentgallery.com

Two Performances each night – In two different spaces – No two shows alike – No one audience sees the same thing. First performance at 8 p.m. with doors at 7:30 p.m.…Second performance at 10 p.m. with doors at 9:30 p.m. $10 admission for one show or $5 more if staying for second performance in a different space, seating is limited.

SATORI CIRCUS is easily the Best Performance Art Group Detroit has produced. It should be seen if only to witness a New Direction in Art.” - Detroit Free Press

A love for the absurd, SATORI CIRCUS is a singularly uncanny theatre-going experience that’s a little bit Performance Art and a little bit Rock Opera.” - Metro Times

New York City has the Blue Man Group, Detroit has SATORI CIRCUS.” - Chris Jaszczak