
They're So Good They Were Worth Waiting For: Mogwai & Majeure @ St Andrew's Hall Show Pics

Mogwai, the Scottish force of drone and intensity, played St. Andrew's Hall in May (yes, May. Yes, I know it's August) and my photographer took some gorgeous pics of them and their opener, Majeure. The show was incredible, it was loud, and we felt the music literally blow us away from the speakers. If you haven't seen these guys in concert, do yourself a favor and see them, but bring earplugs.

photos by Brenna Landry

BarryBurns/Mogwai photo © Brenna Landry
Barry Burns

photo © Brenna Landry
Luke Sutherland

photo © Brenna Landry
Dominic Aitchison, Stuart Braithwaite 
John Cummings

photo © Brenna Landry
Barry Burns

photo © Brenna Landry
Luke Sutherland, Barry Burns 
photo © Brenna Landry
Dominic Aitchison



photo © Brenna Landry

photo © Brenna Landry