
Frogbelly and Symphony (UK/NYC) at Trinosophes Detroit on Mon. Sept 15

Frogbelly and Symphony are born of the clash and fusion that characterised the late 20th century. Disparate influences from the Old World to New York are brought together in the furnaces of Sheffield and Brooklyn, revealing a stylistic repertoire that injects the indigenous workingman’s soul into the periphery of the bohemian metropolis. Academically trained in traditional instrument playing and constantly experimenting with production techniques, the band systematically processes every imaginable acoustic influence.
Coming from an experimental post-punk and noise approach on their first record, Frogbelly and Symphony have now put the material for their first full length album together. Song arrangements, the recording of the instruments and the environment in a technical and cultural sense are bound together. A progressive rock sound echoes in folk landscapes. Urban poetry, pop melodies and repetitive chants cast a rousing wave of contemporary performance.

Frogbelly and Symphony 
Monday, Sept 15 at Trinosophes