
First Lady Michelle Obama Visits Music Hall this Friday 10/10/14



First lady in Detroit on Friday at Music Hall Center

Washington - The White House said Monday first lady Michelle Obama

will be in Detroit on Friday to campaign for Democrats Gary Peters and Mark Schauer,

who are running for the U.S. Senate and for governor.


The event will be at the Detroit Music Hall Center for the Performing Arts in downtown Detroit. Information about how to attend and obtain tickets will be released later in the week.

Obama, who has dramatically higher approval ratings than her husband or Congress, has been campaigning in some states with close election races, offering a less partisan pitch than some other surrogates.


Peters, a congressman from Bloomfield Township, is running against Republican

ex-Secretary of State Terri Lynn Land to fill Sen. Carl Levin's seat, while Schauer, a former congressman from Battle Creek, is challenging Gov. Rick Snyder.


The Michigan Democratic Party confirmed some details of her appearance last month. Former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney was in Livonia last week campaigning for Land and Snyder. Former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush also plans a trip this month to Michigan to campaign on behalf of Republicans.

Obama on Tuesday will campaign for Mary Burke, who is running for governor in Wisconsin, and attend an event on behalf of Illinois Gov. Pat Quinn.  On Friday, she will attend an event in Iowa for Democrat Rep. Bruce Braley who is running for U.S. Senate.


Obama last visited Detroit in 2010 to speak to students.


The high-profile visits come as most polls show Snyder and Peters holding leads.

President Obama has been rumored to be considering a Michigan visit before Election Day and last visited Michigan in April to tout a higher federal minimum wage in Ann Arbor with Peters.



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Music Hall Center for the Performing Arts

350 Madison Avenue

Detroit, MI  48226






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