

HH 1

The Detroit rock scene is alive and kicking. The next generation of musicians are inspired by their predecessors. The Ritz is showcasing a group of these bands, youthful bands playing music with the fury of old rock shows.

HH 1

HazardHead and Trace of Lime have a history, starting around the same time, they've played numerous shows together, supported each other, and matured into well seasoned musicians. In true Detroit attitude, they are using their success to help each other and other bands to share their success.

Trace of Lime

HazardHead and Trace of Lime have a good following and they are using that to help even younger guns. Despite their youthful years Royale and Phoenix Rising are worthy to share the stage with their "elders."

Having a chance to check out Phoenix Rising's music, they play with passion soulfulness beyond their years. This 4 piece is rising. Their unnamed new song impressed me.

Phoenix Rising 1

Royale is a bit of an enigma. There isn't too much info on them, just music on Bandcamp. But music is enough. It's catchy, jangly, and will get you moving.


Tonight's show will include a few fun surprises. If you want to know they are, you'll have to make it out to the Ritz tonight. And with the line-up, it promises to be a rocking night.

& Trace of Lime
@ The Ritz
24300 Hoover Rd.

Doors @ 6:00
Jordan Mosher
Rolling Blue
Phoenix Rising
Minus Two

$10.00 Pre-Sale
$12.00 Day of Show
All Ages w/Parent 
Facebook Event