
Crane Wives and more at Magic Stick on Thursday 12.4

The Crane Wives and The Accidentals 
featuring Woven Tangles and Oak Bones
at The Magic Stick
Dec 4th $8 adv $10 at the door
doors at 8pm 

Forget everything- all of it if just for a while- and enjoy yourself. Music- good music at that, has a way to carry over all the warm and fuzzy feelings felt when attending a great show- at least for me. I'm sure many may go back to being a bro-dude or duck face selfie taking mall rat chic but I'm willing to bet brunch if this event interests you, you're one in the company of good folk. In times of political melee and social injustices and celebrity shite smear it's salvation. It's honesty in a youthful art form,  jammed with talent and energy and spirit. This is what makes a Michigan music lover proud. This is what we should be talking about more and sharing more often- the rest will be there when and if we return to it. 

(photo by Paul Hitz)