
THIS SAT: Devotional Images of the Prophet Muhammed in Islamic Traditions @ DIA

The Praiseworthy One:
Devotional Images of the Prophet Muhammed in Islamic Traditions

Christiane Gruber
Associate Professor of Islamic Art and Director of Graduate Studies, 
Department of the History of Art, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor

Saturday, January 31, 2015, 2pm

Paintings of the Prophet Muhammad produced in Persian and Turkish lands from the 14th to the 16th century represent Muhammad’s individual traits, ancient luminosity and veiled essence, while their pictorial elements reveal artists engaged in abstract thought, turning to symbolic motifs in order to convey Muhammad’s origins and prophetic standing.

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Image Credit: The Prophet Muhammad’s Ascension over Three Sufis, from Sa‘di’s Bustan (Fruit Orchard), detail, text dated 920/1514, painting added ca. 1550 in Bukhara. Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, 1974.294.2