

Saturday, January 24th, 2015 (7pm - Midnight), the Tangent Gallery presents an arts & entertainment multi-media event jam packed with some of the best Detroit has to offer!
Introducing our Featured Artist:
Tomak Julian Baksik
Tomak studied fine art and physics at the University of Michigan, and currently exhibits at several national trade shows and festivals. Tomak Julian Baksik's focus as an academic pre-Raphaelite sculptor led him to explore diverse technical aspects of the media and inspired him to bring new options and applications to these arts. Notable works include an over-life-size Baroque Roman fountain featuring Minerva and Neptune, and the Pennsic Cathedral.

"I have enduring admiration for Bernini, Borromini, and the named and nameless sculptors of antiquity who pioneered the horizons of an art radiant with meaning, now etched into history. In reaching for harmony between reason and passion, I have been a slave to my art, often beginning with simple, archetypal motifs that become wildly complex before resolving into an expression of spirit. Time washes away the trivial, leaving for us these jewels of truth."
Countless hours of carving go into each sculpture. Tomak's rigorous casting processes ensure that all the intricacy and fine detailing of the original sculptures are reproduced to the highest standards. Each casting media is worked with care, whether plastic or fiberglass scenic elements, all the way to bronze, glass, alabaster and pure silver. Be assured that this statuary will beautify and inspire for years to come.
We will also be featuring over 50 pieces of work from artists such as Mark Jackson, Jalexa Photography, Aleks7, and Rebecca Byington! (See attached image for a selection of the art)
Borders of dreams and reality are broken as we encompass a world of fantasy, magic, and mysticism with visual art throughout the main gallery.  Live music by Dixon's Violin, and Emily Infinity will create the enchantment of the evening.  Unique performances by The Amazing Flec, and Eric Scott Baker will wow those with an eye for wonderment. Fire dancers and a magician, along with aerialist Spilt Sugar from Best Of Detroit's Weird Sisters Circus will create an ambiance of mystery and eclectic energy for the night. A runway fashion show, consisting of a vast assortment of fantasy fairies, featuring hair art by Detroit's notorious London Calling Salon, and fashions by Ivy's Custom Corsetry, will grace the stage of the enchanted forest The Tangent Gallery will become! Stay till midnight for the chance to win an autographed print from one of the artists in the show!

Come dressed with your own style, or come as you are…

18+ welcome.
Tangent Gallery offers a full service bar. Your I.D. will be checked at the door.

This event has partnered with Burners Without Borders Detroit, to help this city's unfortunate homeless citizens. Canned goods will be collected at the door. Artist Michael Kucharski has generously donated prints to give away to select lucky folks who make it until midnight! (See attached image)

Admission is $15 at the door ($5 off with unexpired canned food donation)

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