
Just Another MCB Band Interview with Boudoir Noir

Boudoir Noir is a local band that has been around since last year but have recently stepped it up by releasing a couple songs and a video. Their songs are dreamy, lush soundscapes that transport the listener to a dark and sultry place begging to be explored further. They have only played a few shows but I managed to catch one last October as part of the Masquerade of  Red Death show. At the time I didn't catch their name so having them contact MCB was a more than pleasant surprise. What is even better is I get to catch them again and soon, Boudoir Noir have a show coming up on April 17 at PJs Lager House with Tart, Ancient language, and Detroit's first professional pole troupe Secret Sircus.

Boudoir Noir photo by Split Sugar

MCB: Who is in the band?

Maria Rose: I am the singer, and play guitar, synth, Graham Rockwood lays down that bass and Ben Schlatter is the drummer. If the stage at the venue has enough room we also,  at times bring along some hula-hoop dancers or pole dancers. We aim for our live shows to have an electro/cabaret feel to it.

MCB: When did you form and why?

Maria Rose: We started as Maria Rose & The Swiss Kicks and performed as that for a few years.  We changed our name to Boudoir Noir this fall.  We also developed our sound more.  We wanted to create more chilled out, beat driven, sexy and smooth music with a theatrical live show.  Boudoir Noir felt like a better name for what we wanted to do.

MCB: Describe your sound in ten words or less and what band would not offend you to be compared to?

Maria Rose: Sensual, dreamy pop. Music for making love.   We would definitely not be offended to be compared to Oh Land or Banks.

MCB: What’s your latest release and how can people get it?

Maria Rose: We released two singles in January - Summer Skin and Change it up
They are available on
 iTunes - https://itunes.apple.com/us/artist/boudoir-noir/id934184537
Band camp - https://boudoirnoir.bandcamp.com/releases
and streaming on Spotify
We will be releasing a new EP in August called Endless Dawn!

MCB: Favorite local venue and why?

Maria Rose: The Crofoot ballroom is really nice!  The big stage gave us lots of room for our hula-hoop dancers.
We also really loved playing at the Magic stick, especially because of the pizza downstairs :)

MCB: What do you like most and least about Detroit?

Maria Rose: Love the DIY energy here; all of the creativity and ingenuity floating around.  We love that it feels like the wild west, in that there's a lot room to explore your ideas and passions.
Least favorite is lack of a good mass transit system.

MCB: What’s the furthest you have traveled for a gig?

Maria Rose: New York City!  We had a tour out east a couple of summers ago.

MCB: Most embarrassing moment so far…

Maria Rose:This isn't really embarrassing, just a little funny.  We showed up to a gig a couple of hours away,  only to find out the sound guy had just quit.  He offered us money to help move his speakers.  Apparently, he and the owner had gotten into an unresolvable argument right before we got there!

MCB: What makes being in a band worth it for you?

Maria Rose: We love the connections you make with music.  Seeing people move and sway, and connect with a deeper part of themselves and those around them at shows is magical.  It's amazing to see how music can bring people together on so many different levels.  Connecting with each other on stage is also really gratifying.  A group of people can almost always accomplish more than an individual, so it's pretty cool to throw ideas at each other, feed off each other, and see what comes of it.

MCB: You will know the band is successful when…..

Maria Rose: We can live from spending most of the year on tour!

MCB: Where’s the best place for people to go hear more from you? (FB, Youtube, Bandcamp, your own URL – whatever you think your best site is)

Maria Rose: We're on all of the social media sites, so whichever is your favorite!

Our website is www.BoudoirMusic.com

Facebook- facebook.com/BoudoirNoirBand

Twitter- @BoudoirMusic

Instagram- @BoudoirMusic

YouTube- youtube.com/BoudoirMusic