
Interview and Show Preview: The Soft Moon at UFO Factory Tuesday, April 14

The Soft Moon make music that is dark and visceral. It is music that seeps into the ears like a like gasoline and then makes suggestions about lighting matches. The music comes from the lone mind of Luis Vasquez who has spent time in various parts of the world honing in on a unique melodic, post-punk sound that never compromises. His third album Deeper on Captured Tracks hit the stores and internets on March 31st. His tour starts April and you can see him perform locally at the UFO Factory on April 14. His shows have been described as intense and expressive both in terms of visuals and sound.  

MCB has tickets to giveaway for the show, if you are interested send an email to motorcityblog@earthlink.net with "Soft Moon" in the subject area. 

MCB: How do you think people described you when you were a teenager in high school?

Luis: That’s an interesting question. I myself don't know how i would've described myself back then. Perhaps people would've described me as mostly quiet but with a strange sense of humor. I never tried to stand out by ay means and preferred to hide amidst everyone. 

MCB: I read your early influences were metal bands like Slayer, do you think anything from them seeps into your sound?

Luis: I think what i've gathered from metal bands and incorporated into my own music has been a form intensity, especially within the live shows. Not necessarily in regards to decibel levels or anything like that but in regards to expressing brutal emotion and passion. Perhaps some of the darkness too. Sometimes i like to believe that my vocal approach live is sometimes inspired by people like Tom Araya of Slayer, Bruce Dickinson of Iron Maiden, and Axl Rose but only when they hit their high notes.

MCB: What was the first instrument you learned to play?

Luis: When i was twelve years old my grandfather bought me an electric guitar because i had been begging for one. I ended up getting a small scale children's guitar by a brand called Synsonics which was pretty shitty but at the time it was my favorite thing in the world. Once i outgrew it i upgraded to a Fender Stratocaster. I still wish i had kept my first guitar though.

MCB: I’ve been listening to Deeper and find it a very intriguing album, did you play all the instruments in it?

Luis: Yeah, i find that in order for me to learn about myself every instrument has to be created from my mind and performed with my hands. Every little thing that comes solely from my body gives me information about who i am, why i create what i create, and what i am capable of. In the future things may change and i'll be more open to collaborating with others but at the moment The Soft Moon is still a one man vision.

MCB: The drumming is very tribal on some tracks, did you get a release from playing them?

Luis: There’s always a release for me when performing and recording percussion. Drums are the most primal instrument i can think of. There's nothing better for release than to bang on shit as hard as you can.

MCB: I think my favorite track right now is “Far” can you give me your perspective on the meaning of the song?

Luis: My mind races at a million miles an hour and drives me crazy. I struggle everyday with maintaining calmness, staying peaceful, and clearing my mind. "Far" represents my battle with my inner self. My fight to get out of my own hell.

MCB: What kinds of things do you like to do and see when you are on tour?

Luis: I usually look for the best places to eat whenever i'm in a new city. The more local the better. When i travel to different countries i seek whatever the national dish may be and the best place to find it. Sometimes my bandmates and i will watch an episode of Anthony Bourdain's "No Reservations" depending on what city we're in and try our best to make time to visit one of the spots on his show.

MCB: I live in Detroit where you are playing in April, what can we expect from your show?

Luis: If the energy is right we will all experience something cathartic together.

MCB: Are there any Detroit bands you identify with?

Luis: The most knowledge of have in regards to music coming out of Detroit is the early techno scene. I believe it was "Clear" by Cybotron being the first Detroit electronic track i was ever exposed to. Until this day is still i still listen to Detroit techno. 

MCB: Travelling seems to be an integral part of your life, what do you think is the biggest benefit you get from it? 

Luis: The experience of traveling within itself is highly influential in my music. It gives you the opportunity to take so much of the world in and also gives you a bit of perspective on humanity. I feel that traveling has helped me grow as a person and after five years of touring around the world i definitely feel like a different person. Everything i experience has a way of getting absorbed and released subconsciously in my music.

Interview by Mikel O.D. of MPAD Media