
TONIGHT: Cycle 10 Opening Night @ Red Bull House of Art

DC is a longtime contributor to the MCB.
She can be reached at DC.in.Detroit [at] gmail.com

23 April, 2015

The view from inside.

Opening Night: Friday, 24 April, 7p-11p
Normal Viewing Hours: Saturday 10a-3p

Although celebrating their 3rd year, this was my first time at the RBHofA, and I have to say, I really like the space. (And I love the incubator program, but I’ll get to that in a minute.) The building itself is tucked away in Eastern Market with minimal signage/parking, so know where you’re going. It’s a renovated brewery, and once inside, that’s evident, with all the nooks and crannies you could ever want. Ambiance!

Forget about your cell phone!
The first area upstairs is the artists’ workspace. This is where a selection of Detroit artists are given space, time, and unlimited funds (!!) to create their exhibitions. How much more could an up and comer want? It’s the freedom to create in a big way.

Part of the artists' workspace.
Downstairs, through brick archways and dank passages, is the gallery itself, a bright white space. This cycle is giving us James "Jimbo" Braddock, Elmer, Brent Forrest, Parisa Ghaderi, K. GuillorySheefy, and Niki Urban, representing a range of styles.

Although I was genuinely impressed with all the artists (no, seriously, really enjoyed the exhibit), there were two stand-outs for me. First of all, Brent Forrest. There’s no other way to put it other than I am just mad for his work, every one of them. They are impossible to photograph, which is part of what makes them so freakin amazing. He creates layered, lighted scifi worlds that I could have crawled into for hours… especially with the house lights off (which sadly I didn’t get a chance to see).
Brent Forrest. I tried SO hard to get reasonable photos of his work. It's not doable. Just go and see for yourself. And buy one for me while you're there.
The second was the juicy colorful paintings of K. Guillory, whose “This Is So Important” was so important, I had to buy it for myself. So when you go and see the show, that little red pin is me, and DON’T TOUCH IT IT’S MINE.

K. Guillory
The prices on all the pieces are extremely agreeable, ranging from $100 (I suspect that’s the gallery-set minimum) to $1,000 (for one massive, gorgeous painting). I don’t expect there will be much left unsold by the end of the show’s run.

And oh yeah, there’s all the Red Bull in the world. I learned there are two new sugar-free flavors, including an orange, and I may never sleep again.