
Cranbrook’s MFA Exhibition

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Cranbrook’s MFA Exhibition was a typical institutional event. Everything was clean and well lit. The wine and food were good. The event seemed somewhat small in turn out for such a big place. The art was expansive from Gallery to gallery but the number in attendance seemed unimpressive for an MFA show. The work at the show was amazing. Some pieces were very memorable and made me want to learn more about the artist. I am not sure about the culture at Cranbrook because I’m sort of an outsider but it didn’t feel very welcoming from an outsider perspective.  Of course I went in through the back entrance where the parking was and I toured the gallery from the back door to the front desk where the information was. I feel it would have helped to have someone with information at both entrances. I was also looking for an artist friend’s work and no one who worked there could tell me where her work was. I didn’t know that she went by a different artist name but still you would think they would know their artists at such a prestigious place. Overall, it was a great exhibition because the quality of the work was super. It is evident that the artists worked really hard at developing their skills and concepts equally. Socialization seemed pretty low key there but the work was the main focus.

by Dawn Cooke

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