
TONIGHT: SPACE DIVE at Tangent for Star Wars Day

Tangent Gallery

You will never find a more wretched hive of scum and villainy.

Step into a galaxy far, far away on May 4th, 2015, as the Tangent Gallery bar is transformed into an immersive recreation of the Mos Eisley Cantina!

Experience interstellar culture shock at the most dangerous spaceport in the Outer Rim. Drink and discuss the past, present, and future of the Saga at the dawn of a new era!

Production Design by John Dunivant of Theatre Bizarre!
Visuals by Daniel Land of New D Media Arts!

Live sound by Carjack., Audra Kubat Music, Vourteque and more!

Costumes desirable.
5 credits w/costume, 10 credits without.*

Spaceport Arts by Armageddon Beachparty & Co.

Blue Milk cocktails.
No droids. No blasters!**

Calling all 501st and Rebel Legionnaires!
A portion of the proceeds will go to benefit a Charity TBD.

**Blasters actually encouraged, along with elegant weapons for a more civilized age.