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PHOTOS: A Trip To The Old Redford/ Redford Theater, Detroit; Riaz K

My first visit ever to this historic theater has left a lasting impression!
Built in 1928, it's amazing to know that the Redford Theater has functioned
as an integral part of the Motorcity's entertainment culture to this day.
Patrons are volunteering their time and money to help restore Redford
to it's original vigor and vibrance and it is clear that these guys
have crossed formidable milestones already.
Even the mural details on the walls inside the theater
have been recreated with careful precision...
with the help of old photographs.

Together with the decor and the historic original 3 manual,
10 rank Barton Theatre Pipe Organ,
The Redford provides theater-goers the chance
to experience the old classics as they were truly meant to be!
Watching "Dial M for Murder" in 3D with a packed crowd
(I've been told that with the upper and
lower level seating, they can house 500+)
was ab-fab!
The ambience that only this historic theater
can create clearly outranks cable or any of your
generic multiplexes today.

Treat your friends and family in the months
to come to any of the listed shows on their website -
the experience will be unique and shall not disappoint!

Hey - they even have a Facebook page - (madness!!!)