
Forgotten Landmarks of Detroit - Dan Austin

DETROIT - Dan Austin-3

Last week Dan Austin, the author of Forgotten Landmarks of Detroit, captivated an audience at the Royal Oak Public Library with in-depth stories and photos of Detroit's old City Hall, and the old OLD City Hall, and of course the current one, to name a few. They were all part of his latest book called 'Forgotten Landmarks of Detroit'. Reveling in its grand past while fighting to save the current standing landmarks, Dan's passion for Detroit and Michigan is clear.

MCB liked the book so much that we got an autographed copy for our readers!!

(for pickup only - Detroit area)

7th reader to email me at paul_hitz@yahoo.com wins the copy!

 Enjoy some photos from the lecture and Q&A


The book is for sale on here:
Forgotten Landmarks of Detroit

OR you can follow the book and 'book lectures' on Facebook of all places
