


Sundresses pressphoto


What a great night. It's fun to watch a band enjoy themselves. Playing music they like. Playing music the audience liked. Everyone was dancing

The Sundresses have a jingle, jangle sound. Music that makes you want to get up and dance. It made me think of why the term "Rock and Roll" was coined. It was popular music that got you to dance. The Sundresses have that vibe of early rock and roll, get out and play music that you want to hear.
Watching Brad, Jeremy, and Mackenzie play was a treat. As the show went they were dancing around and playing hard. I had the feeling that if the venue was empty, were would still be playing that hard.
I got an E.P. of their music before the show, which I really enjoyed. It got me excited for the show. Their manager said the were better live. She was right. It has an energy to it. A rockabilly, americana, garage mix. Because of my lack of memory, the only band that comes to minds are the Black Angels. The White Stripes, The Ranconteurs, and Jack White come to mind too.

The Sundresses FB
The Sundresses

I hope the photos convey the fun and energy of the show.

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or watch the slideshow.