
THIS WKEND IN GRAPIDS: Michigan Taxidermist Convention/Competition

Sure, it's a bit of a drive, but we don't exactly get a lot of taxidermy events in Detroit itself. Who wants to carpool? Maybe we can get some good roadkill advice.


On your Mark, Get Set, Get started on that competition mount.  Time is flying by and March will be here before you know it.  This year’s show is going to be another must attend event.  We have several hands on seminars, an all-day seminar and nearly 20 other seminars for our members.  A new 2-D Wildlife Art Division is in the works to add to our impressive show.  The Fishcarving Division has grown each year and we are expecting it to possibly double again this year.  We will be having a public mounting stage again this year for Dream Makers and possibly Hunt of a Lifetime.  We have changed the competition part of our Friday Night event and you won’t want to miss it!  Also, on Friday night we will have a Mexican theme with a Mexican Buffet available.  All of this and more will be explained at the Winter Meeting along with any questions concerning the competition and the competition packet that will be handed out.  We will see you at Six Lakes.  Don’t forget about the Chili Cook-Off, the Open Mini Comp. the auction and the member’s sale tables.  If you have tanning to get in, check with us.  The tanneries may have pick-up available at the meeting.
