
Cherie Currie/White Shag @ The Magic Bag Review

Words and Photos by Peter Schorn.

After great anticipation including the two-part interview here at MCB and at Culture Vulture Radio and the epic 85-minute-long conversation which those transcripts were culled from, legendary Runaways singer Cherie Currie hit The Magic Bag on August 8, 2013, the 2nd night of her new tour, her first live musical performance in Detroit in 36 years.

Kicking things off were arguably Detroit's hottest band, White Shag, as they powered through a muscular set - so muscular that singer-bassist-Suzi Quatro 2.0 Laura Mendoza had to take off her chain mail shirt after a couple of  "wardrobe malfunctions from rocking too hard" (as she joked), playing the rest of the set in a fetching leather bikini top/leather shorts ensemble.

There was some concern about Currie as word was getting around that she was sick and her voice was rough, but they evaporated the moment she strode onstage belting Runaways classics like "Queens of Noise," "California Paradise," "American Nights," "C'mon" and (of course) "Cherry Bomb."

In strong voice the whole night she treated the disappointingly-small-but-loudly-appreciative crowd to tracks from her in-limbo solo album. The recording of "Mr. X" had three members of Guns N' Roses (Matt Sorum, Slash and Duff) members play on it and the touring band, including her son Jake Hays, conveyed its gritty groove. "Rock & Roll Oblivion" was introduced as a tribute to the feelings between her and the fans. Rounding out the set was an alliteration-friendly trio of covers: "Roxy Roller" (by Sweet), "Rock and Roll" (Lou Reed) and "Rebel Rebel" (David Bowie).

There was some sort of drama going on with the staff at Magic Bag which almost led them to cut her set short, but she was allowed to finish. Since the Bag wanted to clear everyone out ASAP, she invited everyone to meet her out in the alley behind the theater for autographs and photos. After a brief post-show moment to wind-down, she stepped into the cool August evening air and found most of the audience awaiting her and she graciously signed albums, photos, Foxes VHS covers for everyone; posing for so many photos that when she went to record a hit for a radio station, she could barely see the paper because of all the purple spots in her vision from the flashes.

Smoking hot at 53 and sounding great, here's to hoping that Blackheart Records gets over themselves and puts her album out SOON. A million thanks again to Cherie for being a gracious interview subject and a warm and accessible person to her fans.

Enjoy this LIVE footage from the show courtesy of Ambervillain Films ...