
Weekend reminders and suggestions: Human Eye, The Ghost Wolves and Dally in the Alley

As usual there are so many great events this weekend in the good ol motorcity but my old lady has been harping about getting to the Renaissance Festival but I would rather take my chances driving off a bridge or roll head on into a brick wall.  Speaking of brick walls among the options this weekend you would be wise to check out Human Eye at Trinosophes on Saturday night

Goner Records had the review CD in my hands sooner than most back in late March and I have been playing that record all summer.  I don't do best of lists but if I did Into the Unknown would be at the top.

If you pull up any of the reviews the lead track Gettin' Mean gets most of the attention and rightfully so as it spits Ann Arbor stooge right into your face but anyone that buys the album and gives it a go will quickly find that the depth to this record is spread evenly throughout all 9 tracks with personal favorites Surface of Pluto, Faces in the Shadows and Outlaw Lone Wolf.  Just peel back the "gutter punk" wrapper and you find a rather well thought out creamy filling inside. email motorcityblog@earthlink.net to win our review copy of the CD...we will be buying a few at the show tomorrow night

Get some more info here

Obviously tomorrow is Dally in the Alley and I have say this years poster kicks ass

A few of our contribs had some thoughts on DitA:

From Detroit Area Dork:
30% chance of rain predicted for the day of this year's Dally. It's not a Dally unless everyone is trying to step around big puddles in the middle of the alley. 

Free festivals are a great way to see 
if music acts are worth the hype they're getting. 

If I paid $10 just to find that I'm not into BreeZee One (8:30 at the Forest Stage), or Pretty Ghouls (9 at the Alley Stage), I would never forgive them for it.

My solid recommendations: Rogue Satellites, 12PM at the Alley Stage. Pewter Cub, 3:15 at the Garden Stage. Mexican Knives, 8:15 at the Garden Stage.

From Drew Bender:
I attended my first DitA in 2005, just over a month after I'd moved to Michigan. As a new graduate student at Wayne State I had been slowly familiarizing myself with the mid-town area. But even after a couple of months at school, it was DitA that made me first realize what an incredibly diverse and vibrant arts scene was really going on in Detroit. 

As I wandered around the alleys of mid-town, among pop-up canopies housing repurposed lunchboxes and vintage clothes and paperbacks, I saw a city that the national media never covers - energy, pride, life and a culture now foreign in so many "cities" made exclusively of strip malls and exurb developments. 

Drinking a Ghettoblaster and listening to local acts, I saw a crowd so diverse, it belied the ethnic self-segregation of the city. Wandering around, I met legendary concert artist  Mark Arminski and bought a print of his 1993 Grateful Dead poster for my Deadhead wife (her first Dead show).  A funky urban hipster art fair, DitA is truly a celebration of the real Detroit arts, crafts, and DIY scene.

From Kevin Soney
Its a couple years but it had a community block party feel to it. A very big block party. It still had that DIY feel to it. I seen orange extensions cords running every which way. People sitting in lawn chairs with coolers fill of beer and soda. There were food vendors, but also people cooking on barbecues in their yards.

On one of the stages they had an electrical mishap and somebody ran into their house to bring some tools and cords to get things fixed and the show was back up and running thanks to the hands of many involved from the crowd.

Loved this hot girl walking around in a purple cowboy hat and matching top with a ferret on her shoulder. She had an electric smile. She was very friendly and more than willing to talk about her ferret. I don't remember what we talked about. I only remember her smile and the ferret.