
1st Annual Hamtramck Music Festival - PHOTOS

EDITOR NOTE: On occasion we like to call up the retired MCB contributors for special events...you know dust em off and put them back into circulation for a night or in this case the weekend of the Hamtramck Music Festival.  MCB had a handful of people covering and we met up with old timer Paul Hitz who has covered his lion's share of events for the anti-blog in the past.  Paul came from the original MCB core of photographers and came out to shoot the shit as well as shoot the shows.  

We met up at the CAPO Lounge which has always been one of my favorites on that side of the strip for a quick 3 or 4 while we waited for Blakdog to kick things off.  As our buxom bartendress attended to our every need I ran into someone who I hadn't crossed paths with for a number of years and to be honest was pretty happy about.  But that's the best thing about music - is it brings people together and we had a chance to bury the hatchet in the water under the bridge.

Our team moved on to Seven Brothers where we caught YUM and picked up some sweet Pretty Ghouls swag before moving on to PLAV10 for a fantastic set by Moon Walks who were warming up the night for DUENDE! and CARJACK.  As we were heading out for the rest of the nights stops we noticed a sign on the downstairs bar door that said "Turn Handle - Open Door" which to me seemed to capture the idea of The Hamtramck Music Festival as the open invitation hometown fest that it will be.

I didn't have my ace writer Nikki Flash with me this time so all you get are photos, enjoy!