
WonderFool Productions Presents Fool Moon and FestiFools

 Friday, April 4 & Sunday, April 6

Exuberance and illumination once again fill the streets of downtown Ann Arbor!
Fool Moon
photo courtesy of FestiFools' YouTube channel

It’s that time of year again, time when WonderFool Productions presents the fourth ever FoolMoon Friday, April 4th, from dusk ‘til midnight, on Washington and Ashley Streets in downtown Ann Arbor. Join the Fools starting at 6pm in the FoolBrew Tent in front of Grizzly Peak for a pre-lumination celebration including live music and tasty, specially brewed luminary-libations. On Sunday, April 6th, at 4pm sharp, the eighth annual FestiFools returns to Main Street (for just one hour!) with a fresh take on our Foolish celebration of amazing gigantic puppets and street entertainment.
WonderFool Productions, creators of FestiFools and FoolMoon, offers five popular Luminary making workshops every Sunday in March from 10am-5pm hosted at Workantile, 117 Main Street, in downtown Ann Arbor. Hundreds of Luminary creators, friends, and family will then gather at 8pm on Friday, April 4th at one of three “Constellation Stations” (Kerrytown, Slauson Middle School, and in front of the U-M Museum of Art) joining the magical processionals as they wind their way downtown to culminate in an exuberant community celebration of glowing creativity! As dusk falls, the processionals arrive in front of Grizzly Peak to cheering crowds of fellow Fools and innovative area artists who have spent their blizzard-filled winter creating illuminating entertainment, glowing art installations, experimental projections, shadow puppets and street games to engage and amaze all who call themselves FoolMooners.
FestiFools Puppets
photo courtesy of festifools.org
Since 2007, students from the University of Michigan’s Lloyd Hall Scholars Program’s Art in Public Spaces course have led the creation of FestiFools, a large-scale, exuberant, outdoor community art spectacle featuring a 3-ring circus of unique dancing gigantic puppets and general Foolish hijinks. This year FestiFools is spreading its arms wide open to invite everyone in the community to get involved. FestiFools organizers wish to make this a true community experience by crowdsourcing the festivities this year.  Despite it being this year’s theme, organizers don’t think it’s “WishFool Thinking” to encourage people of all ages to commit to bringing their own hand-made puppets, goofy costumes, wacky hair-do’s, out-of-vogue instruments, and general Foolish merriment to Main Street for Ann Arbor’s 8th annual—not to be missed—FestiFools spectacular!  (All excited puppet animators/dancers/musicians and merrymakers are asked to meet in the parking lot adjacent to Palio restaurant at 3pm on April 6th.)
Anyone interested in getting their Fool on for FoolMoon and FestiFools, by volunteering their time, service (or even Fools Gold!) should check out the website at WonderFoolProductions.org. While all events and workshops are free, donations are always welcome either online or at the luminary workshops at Workantile every Sunday in March. Please help us keep this Foolish cause alive! Come celebrate this magical time of year brought to you by the good Fools at WonderFool Productions!