
INTERVIEW: Dallas Good from The Sadies by MCB's Jeff Howitt

“Santa Claus got me a Cramps record. I'm thankful for that. 
Thanks Santa.” - Dallas Good 2014

Catch The Sadies this coming Sunday night 5/11/14 
at the Magic Stick Detroit

Get tickets here

MCB: The band formed in 1994. Coming from a family that so deeply steeped in the
Americana tradition, did you immediately delve into that lineage or lean more
towards a Punk or Rock 'n' Roll edge?

DG: Ya, I definitely leaned towards punk rock, one way or another. The Sadies began
as a punk rock band and we'll end as one. My folks (the good brothers) play
mostly bluegrass but they were hippies too. The Grateful Dead paid for and
recorded there first album... you know, shit like that, so it wasn't like I grew up in
an environment that goes hand in hand with being 'steeped in the Americana
tradition.' Our folks encouraged us to listen to what we want and play what we
want, if we want. I saw a lot of really cool shows when I was super little and
Santa Claus got me a Cramps record. I'm thankful for that. Thanks Santa.

MCB: Has the line up always been the same?

DG: Naw. We started as a trio. Travis joined in '95. Mike was our third drummer,
starting in '96. We've also had people fucking around on vibraphones, pedal
steels, organs... Still, the band is and always will be as it is now, which is ME,
Mike, Sean and Travis.

MCB: PRECIOUS MOMENTS was released in 1998. PURE GOLD in 1999. The same
year as your collaboration with Andre Williams, RED DIRT. Did you think that
would set your pace career wise as a band?

DG: It kind of did I guess. In 1998, Sadie was touring and recording with Neko Case.
We had recorded three 45s with her in 1998. So, you know, 1999-2000 was
Andre and I love that man. From there, we continued to record with Neko over
the years but also started spitting out records with lots of people whenever we
could. I know we haven't really slowed down any.

MCB: Even though your relatives have appeared on your Sadies albums proper, was it
a sort of a bringing it all back home vibe doing THE GOOD FAMILY ALBUM?

DG: Well, I suppose. The main priority for me was to bring my mom and my cousin to
the forefront for once. My mom was a pro before she started hatching us and she
hasn't done all that much music since then. My cousin lost a bunch of years to
drug sickness, so despite the fact the ladies of the family have the most talent,
they've had the least amount of studio time. So, I thought, maybe I can cash in on
that. They had written some stuff so we all worked together to come up with an
album that DOESN'T HAVE ANY GOSPEL ON IT. I think it worked out really well.
Happy mothers day dearies and hail satan.

MCB: Any further volumes in the works for the IN CONCERT series?

DG: Yes? Maybe? Fuck man, its so hard to even think about what we'd do. Last time
was a culmination of most of the people we had worked with until then. We had
over twenty guests from all over North America. It was really fun and touching to
have all of our friends come out of the woodwork to help us out. Also, we pulled it
off with no real snags, except no Andre Williams. We'll do it again but it won't be
in the next three years. Thanks for asking.

MCB: For Garth Hudsonʼs presents ʻA Canadian Celebration of The Band” you
recorded “Wheel of Fire” with Neil Young & Crazy Horse last year, and toured
across Canada. Any moment that stands out from those dates?

DG: The tour was really fun but not really marked by weird stuff. Shows were great.
They took real good care of us. My brother spent more time with Neil than I did
so I don't have any dirt for you. Let's see, he took us out for Thanksgiving dinner
in Montreal. That was nice. It wasn't even Thanksgiving in Canada.

MCB: I haven't seen the full RAT FINK documentary. Just the video with your
demonized likenesses. How did that come about?

DG: The director is Ron Mann. He's awesome and is now a really good friend. He
liked the band, asked us to do it, we were excited, said yes and that's the long
version of the story. The animator is Mike Roberts and he has worked with us a
bunch since then and hopefully will do more soon… please. 5th Sadie.

MCB: This record with Gord Downie is really a great listen. Has this been in the works
for awhile?

DG: Thanks man! His band, The Tragically Hip, brought us on tour for a really long
time in around...er... 2005? I think? We all hit it off well and we talked about
working together. We ended up recording about two songs a year. Mixing and
mastering was another two years. It wasn't slaved over and it wasn't rushed. It
was a nice way to make a record. Sometimes we got to piss backwards, as the
saying may or may not go. I'm happy with the result and it's been really fun to
play this record in concert. I hope you like the show.

MCB: From Jon Langford to Jon Spencer to John Doe. Why do you think all good
Punks always go back to Roots Music?

DG: Not sure but it seems to be very true. I wish it worked in reverse. Oddly, I may be
that exception. Last year, I was able to join one of my favorite Hardcore bands
from Toronto called Career Suicide. At times, I'm sick to death of roots music.

MCB: You've been touring the States for your own INTERNAL SOUNDS. Any plans for
further legs of the tour or a swing back through Detroit if you do?

DG: Ya for sure. We have a bunch of US dates this year but it's more often weekends
instead of weeks in your country. Detroit is always my priority. Some of the
greatest people in the world are being born or dying there every day. I need
some of that Detroitness to rub off on me.

Rumbleseat - a short film by Mike Roberts - music by The Sadies