Message from Took Gallagher of Art-O-Mat Michigan calling for Artist Submissions:
MY personal mission with the Michigan Art-o-mat® is to help other local artists -- and emerging artists -- to submit their art for inclusion in the Art-o-mat® Project.
And to help you in the process I am hosting "Arto-Submission Sessions".
ALL artists must submit prototypes for consideration in the
Art-o-mat® Project.
I do not make the final decision on anything -- but I can help guide you in the Submission Process and show you strategies to help you to get your prototypes accepted the first time through.
Basically this is how it works: You submit 2 fully ready-to-vend prototypes to Artists in Cellophane (the parent organization for Art-o-mat®) and once you get the confirmation that your work has been accepted, you make a series of 50 ready-to-vend pieces and send them to Artists in Cellophane (AIC) for distribution to Art-o-mat® machines across the country.
Because the artpacks are going into vintage machines, there are very strict size and packaging guidelines that must be followed. I come to these Sessions with 3 unique viewpoints: Arto-Collector, Arto-Artist and Art-o-mat® Host -- and each viewpoint offers different areas to consider.
There will be no charge for the Sessions. I will show how to create artwork to meet AIC guidelines and discuss the best way to make personal connections with the people who buy art from our machines. I will supply you with 2 free "official" boxes/blocks and the cellophane to wrap them. Supplies are available for sale directly from AIC.
I am currently compiling a list of interested individuals and I would like to host our first Session during the 2nd week of December. The exact day and time are still open (the 7th, 8th, + 9th are not available)
Please contact me here at my MySpace page with the subject line "AOM Sessions". Let me know if you prefer a day/evening and give me one or two specific days of the week/weekend. The first Session will take place here in Northville.
I am also available to come to your Michigan location for a Session with your group.
I look forward to hearing from you and I am happy to answer any questions you may have!
-Took Gallagher"