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THIS WEEKEND: RADIONICS by Shannon McDonald at Northend Studios Detroit - Friday 12/7

RADIONICS by Shannon McDonald
FRIDAY, December 7, 2012
8PM until 3AM
5101 Loraine St Detroit
Speramus Meliora; Resurget Cineribus, translated this means "We Hope For Better Things; It Shall Rise From the Ashes." It is the Latin motto of the city of Detroit, embodied by the newest group of work by Detroit artist Shannon McDonald. His work is a reflection of the changes working their way through the city, with discarded pieces of big industry being rediscovered and re-purposed in innovative and unexpected ways. As a man who has spent most of his life on the road, Mr. McDonald has a unique eye for the inherent value and beauty in a found object, as well as a keen sense to arrange them into wild new forms.
Each piece in his newest series Radionics consists solely of scavenged materials recovered from the abandoned ruins that populate the city. This body of work is a sort of industrial assemblage, hanging sculptures which conjure a post-apocalyptic despair akin the movie the Matrix. There is an almost savage melding of human forms and gruesome industrial utensils in Shannon McDonald's work. Re-purposed implements are arranged and configured in such ways as if they could spring into some diabolical action at any moment.
The opening reception will feature performances by Detroit area musicians the Dead Beat Beat, Electric Fire Babies, Phantom Cats, Michael Mars & the God Particle, and At Willoughby.
The event will have light refreshments and snacks throughout its duration. Admission is $5 after 9PM.
All ages are welcome.