Landmark Theatres - June 8th
Main Art Theatre
(248) 263-2111
Thank You for Smoking
(4:00) 7:15 9:45
Dolby SR
Art School Confidential
Dolby SR
(2:00 4:30) 9:30
Dolby SR, Sub-Titled
District B13
(1:45 4:15) 7:30 9:55
Dolby SR, Sub-Titled Maple Art Theatre
(248) 263-2111
Mrs. Palfrey at the Claremont
(12:30 2:55 5:15) 7:30
Friends With Money
Proposition, The
(12:00 2:30 5:00) 7:20 12 and Holding
(12:15 2:35 4:50) 7:10