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FREE TICKETS: Drink Up Buttercup - ONE NIGHT ONLY - The Loving Touch Ferndale - Thursday 4/8

MCB has a pair of guest list spots ready to roll to emailer #5

hits The Loving Touch April 8

Drink Up Buttercup may hail from Philadelphia but the geography of their debut album Born & Thrown On A Hook is less easily located on a physical map. It’s an occasionally surreal mythology filled with tales of hopelessly flawed characters, star-crossed lovers, drunks, fairy tales & bad trips. It exists in a world touched upon previously by Tom Waits, Hans Christian Anderson and Lloyd Kaufman while musically it follows the direct lineage of classic songwriting: Bowie, The Beatles & The Beach Boys’ late 60s lysergia, early Roxy Music, Sabbath’s bass heavy pulse & the crescendos of Arcade Fire. Reminiscent of fellow city of Brotherly Love dwellers Man Man, DUB is a virtual orgy onstage, one that the Philadelphia Weekly says “will eat your fucking heart in front of you. Only that’s not exactly right, because there’s a fair chance the band doesn’t even realize you’re there. Their eyes are rarely open. They’re in a trance.”

Catch DUB in Ferndale at The Loving Touch April 8 just a few weeks after playing this year’s South By Southwest Festival in Austin, where they were noticed for their energy—the band played a dozen shows.

Recorded meticulously throughout 2009 by Bill Moriarty (Dr Dog / Man Man) and mixed by Rusty Santos (Animal Collective / Final Fantasy) it perfectly balances consistently catchy melodies with the raw energy of their trashcan pounding live show