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UPCOMING: Renaissance Armor Demo @ DIA, 20-22 Jan

Do you find people crashing around  inside metal suits while throwing pointed objects about entertaining, or, dare I even say, slightly erotic? [ED: Dial it back there, girlie, this is a FAMILY EVENT.] Then go check out this live event at the DIA, in the fabled Great Hall, surrounded by the DIA's collection of historic armor.

Fri, Jan 20: 7:45 pm
Sat, Jan 21: 1:00 pm, 3:00 pm
Sun, Jan. 22: 11 a.m., 2 p.m., 4 p.m.

Why armor? Who wore it and why are there so many different types? Join us for a step back in time with the Michigan Entertainment Renaissance Curiosities Society (MERCS), a live-steel fight group employing period clothing and weaponry to offer a lively glimpse of arms and armor in the Renaissance.