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Bar Brady's Friday Drink Recipes - Ye Ole Belfast Bomber

Ye Ole Belfast Bomber

St. Paddy’s Day is upon us once again. Spring is in the air (not really, but you know the drill). Time to break out the Guinness! Or the Harp or Bass and cider.
For those of you looking to warm the festivities up with a spot of Irish (whiskey), nothing gets your guests singing Drunken Sailor like a scatter of Paddy Burke’s Belfast Bombers.
Whiskey drinkers or not, just try it. Trust me. They’ll like it.

Bailey’s Irish Cream
Jameson whiskey, or the likes.
Juice glasses (tall & narrow, or 3-4 oz tumbler)
And a spoon.

1) Pour a generous shot of Jameson into your juice glasses.

2) Placing a spoon on the surface of the whiskey, gently pour 3/5’s of an inch or so of Bailey’s onto the surface of the whiskey. The idea is to pour gently into the spoon so the Bailey’s floats in a layer over top of the whiskey (like a black&tan).

3) Serve and shoot!

4) Up the revolution, Lads!! I’m going out the front door with, Gerry.