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MCB-VIDEO MetroTimes Blownout 2008

MCB gave our guy Jeff Nolan $37 and a video camera to go out and roam the streets at random without a plan during the blownout this year. He came back with 3 hrs of awesome footage that our volunteer video editors crunched down to 14 minutes (that was tough!)

We told him to have a "HAMTRACK" mind about it

Both Blogger and Youtube refused this video due to the size so we didnt want to break in 2 pieces and decided to post it to another video website called BLIP.TV

The music was not the focus of the video but more of the experience...

We spent more time trying to upload this sucker than anything and honestly we are ready to move on from this one if we interviewed you and your not in the video - SORRY!
There was a lot of material that when crunched down to flash on the web just was to dark or in other instances the sound was terrible...the point is that the piece is fun and a big thanks to Jeff Nolan from The Lollybot Collective for heading out and working for beer all weekend!