Upcoming HATCH Events:
Friday, May 16 7-9 pm
Show-and-Tell Night
Cafe 1923
2287 Holbrook
A popular twist on our critique night series. Have you discovered an artist you just can't stop talking about? Just read a book you wantto shove in the hands of everyone you meet?
Come across a tool or technique you think fellow artists find helpful?
Maybe the artist in you is inspired/amazed/amused by something, anything at all, and you just want to share it.
Show-and-Tell Night is an informal gathering designed to let you share.
Bring a conversation-starter!
Saturday, May 17, 12 noon - 5 pm
Building Cleanup
3456 Evaline
Hamtramck 48212
The future home of Hatch's studio and gallery space will open its doors once again for general cleanup, one room at a time. Bring yourwork clothes, cleaning supplies, and refreshments.
Thursday, May 22, 7-10pm
Dr. Sketchy's Anti Art School
Belmont Bar
10215 Joseph Campau
Hamtramck MI
$5 Model fee
Dr. Sketchy's maniacal mix of artists, models, booze and prizesreturns to the Belmont in May. . Visithttp://www.drsketchydetroit.blogspot.com/ for details.
The 22nd also makes a convenient time to drop off art for THE ART OF DR. SKETCHY DETROIT: AN EXHIBIT, the June exhibit at Cafe 1923.