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Satori Circus at YALE UNIVERSITY - WTF????

Just when you thought the world was aligning and then this happens...

"Well, we're at it again."
MCB pal Satori Circus has a few shows at Yale University next week for anyone traveling or if you have some friends on campus or in the area - send them on over for a FUNY show by Detroit's favorite performance artist. Here is the info - please spread the word.

".....I'll be performing at YALE University from Jan. 15th through the 17th, at the YALE Cabaret. Its located in the basement of 217 Park Street in New Haven CT.

It will most certainly be amazing and its organized by the Theatre and Drama department there.
I'll be with my dear friends Brian and Dave Dambacher, who if you remember co-wrote FUNY AS HELL with me, which had its first showing at MeadowBrook in June of 2007 and then again at a warehouse in Rochester this past June.

We've been accepted to perform at YALE with FAH. There will be two shows an evening - 8p and 11p, with tickets being $15. This of course includes dinner and the performance. It will be tons of fun and a great chance for the three of us to showcase our creation and talents. It will also include sound and lighting techs and a cast from YALE."

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