"WSG:Fake Flyers for Fake Gigs"
Starting Sunday, August 24 and throughout the month of September,Hamtramck's Cafe 1923 will be playing bulletin board to a growingcollection of outlandish concert flyers, posters, and handbills; andwe want YOUR designs!
Submit as many designs as you want. The flyer must promote an imaginary event.
Imaginary acts and venues are preferred; please don't use this exhibit to promote your own or upcoming show (besides,we know you have a great idea for band name -- here's your chance touse it).
Concert flyers are our focus, but all sorts of flyers (yardsales, lost pet, etc.) will be accepted, as long as they RAWK.Size/Format: 11" X 17" or smaller.
Printouts and photocopies preferred: send originals at your own risk, they will not be returned.
We will be treating these like actual flyers. They will be subject to tearing, staple damage, or may be partially covered over as the weeks go on.
How to submit:
On Sunday, August 24, 10 am - noon, bring submissionsin person to Cafe 1923, 2287 Holbrook Street, Hamtramck. We will be hanging on that day.
Hatch can print out black-and-white work, 8.5" x11" or smaller.
We'll be having an opening on Friday, August 29, 7-9pm.
Bring your own musical instrument and form a fake band with fellow attendees!
Come for the opening and then head uptown for the Hamtramck Labor DayFestival, where Hatch will have a booth.