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Breakfast with Santa - Detroit Zoo every weekend through Christmas

Breakfast with Santa at the Detroit Zoo

Saturday, December 6 2008
Saturday, December 13 2008
Saturday, December 20 2008
8:30am - 10:00am

Here Comes Santa Claus!
There are still spots available for this year's Breakfast with Santa.
The Detroit Zoo will host this popular event in the Wildlife Interpretive Gallery on December 6, 13, and 20 from 8:30 to 10 a.m.
This buffet-style, waffle breakfast includes a special gift for each child, photo opportunities, and a visit from Santa and a few of his wildlife friends.
Cost for the breakfast for Zoo members is $25 for adults (ages 12 and up) and $20 for children. Non-member cost is $35 for adults (ages 12 and up) and $30 for children.
Tickets must be purchased for all children, regardless of age, as seating is limited.
To make reservations call customer service at (248) 541-5717 ext. 3750.